
I started my professional life as a film producer and writer along side my long time friend and business partner, director writer and composer Clement Beauvais. We always have been very committed image makers. We gained professional recognition thanks to our crafted image shooting in 16mm film documentaries and commissioned project all around the world. Our clients are Luxury and fashion brands, we conceive stories and produce film and photography for them.

No so long ago during our continuous travelling in remote countries I started capturing stills while shooting moving images. I then realized photography was a medium that felt more intimate with more freedom and that allowed me to share some of my most intimate and precious emotion: those moment of graces.

My photographic work revolves around mixing documentary and fiction and hence proving the cinematic dimension of life.

I collaborate regularly With DIOR, KENZO, VUARNET, EASTPAK and others

I am a Leica ambassador

I shoot with a Leica Q2 and SL2 with mostly vintage lenses

I live in between Paris and Lisbon

And I surf